Skin Care Hacks: Seven Easy Tips to Get Glowing Skin

Want flawless looking skin? We all do! BUT, did you know there are lots of little things you can do every day to help get there?! Here are 7 simple clear skin hacks you can try right now.

1. Stop Touching Your Face

Not to sound like a parent, but that’s an order! The more you touch your skin, the more bacteria you spread. And the more bacteria, the more blemishes will pop up. It’s an endless cycle! If you want a clear complexion, make sure to wash your hands before those times you need to touch your face, like when you’re applying makeup.

2. Wipe Your Phone, Glasses & Sunglasses

Remember when you put your phone down on that park bench? Or wore your glasses 24/7 during finals week? Or tossed your sunglasses on the table during lunch? If you didn’t clean your phone or accessories afterward with an anti-bacterial wipe, this could be the reason you now have blemishes on your cheek or around your nose. The solution to this face care hack is simple: Wipe anything that goes near your face at least every few days to get rid of blemish-causing dirt, bacteria, and oil.

3. Wash Your Face Right After Your Workout

If you’re waiting until you get home from the gym to wash your face, you’re doing it wrong! Letting sweat sit on your skin is actually making you break out. Have no fear, your portable face cleanser is here. Say hi to St. Ives Cleansing Sticks. These solid cleansers are made with a 100% natural coconut oil help to dissolve impurities. We really love the glow-getting Apricot & Manuka Honey which gets rid of excess oil so you can walk (or run) away from the gym with shine-free skin!

We also created a bunch of other cool ingredient blends like hydrating Cactus Water & Hibiscus and detoxifying Match Green Tea & Ginger. Did we mention they’re super cute and fun to use? We make it easy to wash your face immediately after your next sweat session!

4. Zap Zits with Salt

Seeking free acne hacks that actually work? Look no further than the salt in your pantry. Known for its antibacterial properties, sea salt actually pulls oil from pores. Here’s how to make a blemish-banishing paste at home:

• Mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt with enough water to create a paste
• Dab it on your blemish
• Let it dry for up to an hour (or just 10 minutes for sensitive skin)
• Rinse it off

If you need more than just a quick zit zap, our Acne Control Apricot Scrub with salicylic acid will help reduce breakouts and prevent acne.

5. Sip Lemon Water

One of our favorite beauty hacks for skin gets you glowing from the inside, out. A skin-purifying mug of hot water and fresh lemon juice may flush toxins out of your body that can cause acne.

6. Do Some Yoga

If you want glowing skin, nama-stay in downward dog for 3-5 minutes! Experts say that doing any upside down pose can increase circulation to your face and leave you looking radiant. But there’s no reason to go to a yoga class. Just do a pose at home that sends blood flowing to your face for a few minutes every day.

7. Sleep On Your Back

Warning: Snuggling up to your pillow may be bad for your skin. Besides the fact that squishing your face can cause premature lines, it can also lead to breakouts. Think about it: Those styling products you put in your hair can rub off on your pillow and wind up on your face. And when was the last time you actually washed your pillowcase? Play it safe by staying on your back while you snooze.

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Face CareFace Care

Let your face have a little good, clean fun. Our scrubs are made with 100% natural exfoliants and our cleansing sticks are made with 100% natural coconut oil. Leave your skin feeling alive, fresh, and glowing! CHECK IT OUT 


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Refresh skin all over with sweet-smelling suds made with 100% natural exfoliants and extracts. Feel oh-so-fresh from head to toe!CHECK IT OUT 


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Skin-smoothing lotions packed with 100% natural moisturizers (like soybean oil and plant based glycerin) soothes, smooths, and lets your skin live its softest life.CHECK IT OUT 

Hey! You made it! Welcome to the bottom of the page. Not everyone makes it down here, so we’re guessing you like us. Hooray!

We spend most of our time down here talking about what inspires our skincare. Oh, and how to get glowing skin—specifically, how to make your skin glow. So let’s get started, shall we?

Our products were all made to bring the joy of nature to your skin while making it glow—all without crossing into shiny skin territory (not cute). That’s why our entire lineup features 100% natural moisturizers, exfoliants, and extracts! We also just really, really love apricots.

Think of St. Ives as your go-to for great-smelling cleansers, lotions, masks, and body washes you can use on the daily to get glowing skin that feels super-hydrated and oh-so-silky smooth. Did we mention we’re America’s #1 Scrub brand*?

Thanks for stopping by. Keep on looking around!

St. Ives